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Vet Empowered Signature Programme
Getting Started & Key Information
Start Here (10:33)
Your Coaching Session Links
Your Workbook
Important Reminders
IMPORTANT: Claire's Meditations & Regulating Resources (36:58)
Meditation Audio Library
Video: What do I reaaaally want? (11:50)
Video: What is a self-relationship?
Video: Getting Started with Journaling (43:52)
Miscellaneous Resources
Apps (4:01)
Career Creator Workbook & Walkthrough (57:21)
Extra Content Library & Bitesize Learning
Bitesize: Mistakes & Failures (18:12)
Bitesize: The 10min Self-MOT Check-In (10:31)
Bitesize: Money Mindset & Financial Signposting (18:11)
Bitesize: Fallen off the 'bandwagon'? (7:00)
Bitesize: Grief Signposting (plus Pet Owner Grief Webinar) (6:17)
Webinars: Hormonal Health (with Adele Johnston)
Webinar: Dating & Relationships as Busy Professionals (with Claire)
Webinar: Mind-Body Connection (with Phil McWilliams)
Webinar: So, you want to run a side hustle? (with Katie)
Webinar: Sunday Planning Method with Katie (51:56)
Webinar: Task Management with Katie and Claire (Content Session Recording) (78:07)
Webinar: The Imposter Phenomenon with Katie (Content Session Recording) (82:10)
Webinar: Four Life Accounts with Katie & Claire (Content Session Recording) (74:39)
Webinar: Crafting Your Vision (Content Session Recording) (74:31)
Webinar: Navigating Interactions (Content Session Recording) (96:18)
Webinar: Putting perfect in the bin (Content Sessions Recording) (67:27)
Webinar: 10 Foundations of Vet Empowered with Claire and Katie (Content Session Recording) (90:54)
Webinar: How are You Looking After You This Festive Season with Katie and Claire (Content Session Recording)) (72:28)
January Content: Vision 2024 Replay (170:28)
Webinar: A Self Care Check In with Katie and Claire (Content Session Recording) (68:05)
Webinar: Confidence 101 - A kind reminder with Claire and Beth (Content Session Recording ) (60:48)
Lesson 1
Lesson 1 (65:31)
Extra Lesson 1 Content: Seeing the inner critic differently (72:28)
Lesson 2
Lesson 2 (62:43)
Extra Lesson 2 Content: Autonomic Nervous System - The Missing Link! With Katie and Claire (Content Session Recording) (94:41)
Extra Lesson 2 Content: Identity Revisited (Content Session Recording) (65:11)
Lesson 3
Lesson 3 (72:29)
Extra Lesson 3 Content: A Deeper Dive into Values (Content Session Recording) (71:47)
Extra Lesson 3 Content: Find Your Strengths with Katie & Claire (Content sessions recording) (80:40)
Extra Lesson 3 Content: Emotions (Content Session Recording) (62:51)
Lesson 4
Lesson 4 (70:10)
Extra Lesson 4 Content: Energy & Manifestation (Content Session Recording) (58:22)
Lesson 5
Lesson 5 (64:43)
Extra Lesson 5 Content: Confident Conversations with Katie and Claire (81:59)
Bonus Workshop: Confidence is Queen (Katie and Claire - 2hours) (129:05)
Extra Lesson 5 Content: Empowered Boundaries with Katie and Claire (73:47)
Lesson 6
Lesson 6 (55:33)
Extra Lesson 6 Content: Attitude & Approach to Challenges with Katie and Claire (Content Session Recording) (65:01)
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Extra Lesson 2 Content: Autonomic Nervous System - The Missing Link! With Katie and Claire (Content Session Recording)
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